Our High Tunnel.
Scott Woods
Scott grew up helping his father tend to the garden at Maggie’s Farm. With a degree from Penn State’s School of Hotel and Restaurant Management, Scott spent over thirty years in the hospitality industry, managing restaurants and food services for many major corporations. Along the way, Scott became quite a talented chef !
Always with an eye toward fresh, healthy, and tasty ingredients, Scott envisioned a rebirth of his grandmother’s garden—but with broader impact—filling the baskets of local shoppers. This dream is now a reality.
Blythe at the Adams County Farmer Market.
Blythe Woods
Blythe has worked in horticulture for her entire career, but developed her love of plants in her own grandmother’s garden. She used to hide in the mint while playing with her cousins and made applesauce from apples picked from the backyard tree.
After graduating from Penn State with a degree in Agricutural Science, Blythe’s first job was at O. W. Houts Garden Center in State College. In her 30 year career, she spent 12 as the horticulturist at St. John’s College in Annapolis, MD and intiated a school garden at a Title 1 elementary in Anne Arundel County.
It is Bythe’s true calling to helm the gardens at Maggie’s Farm, carefully selecting and tending plants that will nurture the body and the soul!